Little Women

Presented by Mel & Sal, The Blue Room Theatre, 2021

Jo would rather paddle her own canoe and die a spinster than give up her freedom for a man. Jo and her sisters and their neighbour Laurie come of age in this queering and revisiting of the beloved classic.

Writer & Co-Director- Sally Davies

Co-Producer & Co-Director- Melanie Julien-Martial


Jess Nyanda Moyle
Cezera Critti-Schnaars
Mani Mae Gomes
Amber Kitney
Ramiah Alcantara

Production Designer- Eilish Campbell

Sound Designer- Joe Paradise Lui

Lighting Designer- Rhiannon Petersen

Stage Manager- Catherine O'Donoghue

Co-Producer & Publicist- Kailyn Crabbe

Dramaturg- Alexa Taylor

Marketing- Simeon Neo

Photos by Tashi Hall


Rupert Murdoch


Ugly Virgins