Ugly Virgins

Presented by Lindstedt & Davies, The Blue Room Theatre, 2021

United by their love of roller derby and literally nothing else, five women skate circles around shit dates, self-worth and sticking it to the man. How the hell are you supposed to win anything when you can’t get yourself out of the penalty box?

Winner of The Blue Room Award for Writing

Co-writers & Co-directors-

Sally Davies
Anna Lindstedt

Producer- Maiden Voyage Theatre Company


Danielle Antaki
Courtney Cavallaro
Amber Kitney
Katie McAllister
Mikayla Merks

Production Designer- Eilish Campbell

Sound Designer & Composer- Alex and Yell

Lighting Designer- Rhiannon Petersen

Dramaturg- Alexa Taylor

Directing Mentor- Emily McLean

Skating Trainer & Consultant- Wheels McCoy

Stage Manager- Maddy Mullins

Publicist- Hayden Mumby

Photos by Dan Grant


Little Women


A Region Where Nobody Goes